Distance Education Program in India
Anuj nipe
The Correspondence courses institutions are offering more than 4000 programmes in India, about 50 percent of which are professional in nature. The enrolment in these institutions is of the order of 9,00,000 in year 1991, which forms 11.64 percent of the total enrolment in higher education in the country and now it has been increased just double of it. An important point to be noted here is that growth rate of enrolment in correspondence and distance education mode has been higher than that of higher education in general period, Source UGC Reports.
Delhi has a fast-paced life and the youth of today is not satisfied with just pursuing studies. Here people start following their dream profession early in their career and this is where the role of distance education comes in. it helps students to pursue higher education while doing something full-time too.
Moreover, it is beneficial for those who wish to attain a professional degree, diploma or certificate simultaneously with their conventional degrees. The University of Delhi also provides the provision to migrate from correspondence courses to regular ones, if one wants to but for that one needs to score high in the examinations.
National Institute of Professional Education (NIPE)has been established by Jamia Urdu, Delhi (A Minority Educational Institution declared by NCMEI, Govt. of India) in collaboration with Educational Media Research Society, societies registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. IIPS is approved by Punjab Technical University, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and technology and Mahatma Gandhi University. The Universities are recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India.
The World of technology is being e-shaped by global trends such as convergence, increased bandwidth, enhanced multimedia capabilities miniaturization, environment variations, increase mobility, enhanced processing power, and more powerful cognitive tools and reduced cost. These trends support transition across four generation in distance education models and associated delivery technologies: Correspondence model (Print), Multimedia Model, Counselling sessions and Teleconferencing Model and Computer Aided Learning and new techniques of making of video lessons and provide and avail these student in the form of Cd s.
So Distance Education mode has become very popular and common in India, because it is catering to a wide range of aspirants (Students), who are willing to upgrade their educational qualifications for various reasons. The Distance education system provides opportunities not only to younger students but also to those from the older age groups. To be continued.
The syllabus for each paper is divided into a number of lessons. Lessons are prepared by experienced teachers and cover the entire course prescribed by the (Nipe.co.in) Delhi. These lessons are sent to students at regular intervals. The school is soon launching its audio visual centre.
The joint degree programmes only Distance learning programmer permissible by the UGC, but also needs to be encouraged. Interested universities may make necessary enabling ordinances specifying details and procedures in this regard and sign Memorandum of Understanding to execute the awarding of joint degrees,\” the panel recommended.
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